This article contains information about a tragedy that occurred in Florida because of cyberbullying. What happened was two Florida girls (12 and 14) Cyberbullied a 12 year old girl who as result killed herself by jumping off of a tower to her death. This article also contains information on steps a parent should follow if they suspect that their child is a bully.
Meredith, Jessica P. "Combating Cyberbullying: Emphasizing Education over Criminalization." Federal Communications Law Journal 1 Dec. 2010: n. pag. Print.
This article defines cyberbullying as well as the first instances of cyberbullying in our society today. This source also talks about the legal repercussions of a person that cyberbullies another individual. There is also a list of states that have legislation that is passed that contains laws about cyberbullying. Included in this article is what is inside of Facebooks and MySpaces terms and conditions that prohibits cyberbullying.
Coghlan, Megan. "Cyberbullying: Enough Is Enough." Arizona Daily Wildcat. Arizona Daily Wildcat, 18 Nov. 2013. Web. 18 Nov. 2013.
This article is a first person account about someone that was cyberbullied. they were cyberbullied for posting a blog on a sports team and she was criticized very severely and she talked about what is like to be cyberbullied. She added that while she was cyberbullied all her social media accounts were attacked by many people who left very mean comments and some people were threatening her. This was all because of an article posted on a blog about a sports team.
Landau, Elizabeth. "When Bullying Goes High-tech." CNN. CNN, 15 Apr. 2013. Web. 18 Nov. 2013. <>.
This This article is comprised of a few different parts. One of these parts are many visual data tables about the backgrounds of people who cyberbully other individuals. This source also contains information on how cyberbullying is a persuasive problem, how there are long term consequences, how to report cyberbullying, how to fight back by speaking out, parental controls on cyberbullying and technical solutions to cyberbullying. All in all this article contains a lot of information I can use for my digital story.
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